Howl allows you to share your favorite products with your community, all while earning you commissions.
When you create a new link on Howl, it will directly connect your audience to the exact retailer or brand you've entered in the link creation process, giving your followers a seamless shopping experience.
You also have the ability to create a Dynamic Link - which automatically redirects your link to the retailer with the highest commission rate and in-stock product. This means you don’t have to worry about updating links when a commission drops or sending your followers to an out-of-stock product page. To generate a Dynamic Link, toggle the switch to on when creating your link.
Creating Links on Howl: The Basics
Creating links on Howl is a breeze, and you have multiple options at your disposal.
Singular Link Creation on
- Log in to your dashboard on
- Look for the LINK button, now conveniently located right at the top of your homepage in the navigation bar. This allows you to create a link immediately.
- Paste the product URL of your choice.
- (Optional) Determine whether you'd like your links to auto-convert to Dynamic Links (rather than links that are "Locked" to a specific retailer).
- If by any chance the product link you pasted is not part of an active brand/retailer on Howl, we will notify you about the unavailability of a monetizable link & suggest other product links you can use instead. Double check that everything looks correct before moving on.
- You're done! Copy and share your links on your social channels.
- (Optional) You can also organize these links within a Post*. You can create a new post or select an existing post to add your links to, or choose to skip this step.
Bulk Link Creation on
- Log in to your dashboard on
- In the top navigation bar menu, navigate to My Products > Create Links.
- Paste 1 or up to 40 product URLs you want to bulk convert to Howl links (one URL per line).
- (Optional) On this page, determine whether you'd like your links to auto-convert to Dynamic Links (rather than links that are "Locked" to a specific retailer). Ensure everything is correct before you continue.
- If by any chance the product link you pasted is not part of an active brand/retailer on Howl, we will notify you about the unavailability of a monetizable* link & suggest other product links you can use instead.
- You're done! Copy and share your links on your social channels.
- (Optional) You can also organize these links within a Post**. You can create a new post or select an existing post to add your links to, or choose to skip this step.
Creating Links with Howl's Chrome Extension:
- Download the Howl Chrome extension and log in to your Howl account.
- Navigate to the product you want to create a link for on the worldwide web.
- Click the Chrome Extension to create a link. If the link isn't monetizable*, Howl will suggest a product you can earn from.
- (Optional) Create a new post** or select an existing post to add your links to.
- You're done! Copy and share your link on your social channels.
Creating Links with Howl's Mobile App:
- You can copy and paste URLs into the Howl app, just like you can on our website. You can also "share" from your browser to create a link from a website.
- While on any web page on your mobile web browser, click on the share icon on the bottom navigation bar.
- Click on the Howl app icon.
- The Howl app will open automatically, displaying the newly created link.
- Pick your desired social platform and share with your audience.
*What are Monetizable links?
When a Howl link is monetizable, you will earn commissions from any purchases made through this link. A Howl link is monetizable when the brand or retailer is a Howl partner (also known as partner in-network) and the specific linked product is part of a Howl partners' campaign. When you create links, we will notify you if a link is monetizable or we'll suggest other product links you can use instead.
**What are Posts?
Posts are a way for you to organize your links and keep track of what’s driving your sales. Some creators organize their posts by video (“My Morning Routine”), event (“Sephora Sale ‘23”) or channel (“June Insta Stories”). Posts are not required in order to create links, but they are a useful way to organize and track the effectiveness of your product recommendations.
Best Practices for Link Creation on Howl:
1. Download the Howl mobile app. The Howl mobile app is the easiest way to create links on the go by "sharing" from your browser directly into the app.
2. Download the Howl Chrome extension. The Howl Chrome extension allows you to create links as you browse your favorite brand and retailers' sites.
3. Watch this 1 minute step-by-step video. Our resident creator expert, @buymechanel, will guide you through creating a link!
4. Sign up for a Howl 101 webinar. Learn how to create Howl links that grow your earnings.